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The Gronks, or the Presbyterians, are an alien race who send members of their species to earth to harvest energy for the machines that could save the Gronks' home planet, Nomalis.

(Note: The Gronks have consumed at least one sun prior to their arrival on Earth.)


The Gronks refer to themselves in the series as the Presbyterians, [this name being phonetically similar to their own word for their species, which is never spoken [ unless it is ] . When studying the earth's past, the Gronks stumbled upon the Greek word πρεσβύτερος (presbyteros), meaning “elder," and, noting that Greek and Latin were still used and prevalent in human culture in the present, decided to use it when announcing themselves. It was thought that this was a beautiful coincidence, because it indicated that the existence of Gronks stretched far back beyond that of humans. Any intimidating effect this might have had backfired when, upon their arrival to Earth, the Gronks learned that the word Presbyterian meant something entirely different in the present day. Humans, who had already begun referring to the aliens as Gronks due to [ ? ], made no effort to discard the moniker.]


Gronks are generally considered cute by humans. They have multiple tentacles, legs, or feet.

Gronks have an antenna (unclear if can have multiple) that are implied to look different depending on either personality or (very specialized) role.

[Some Gronks are implied to be light blue in color.

Gronks are implied to be very physically different from humans, but also not too small for humans to “play” them, and even wear “costumes” (as opposed to operate puppets) of some.]


The Gronks create burrows.

Gronks have a [low level (?)] collective consciousness,

Gronks are born from the ground of Nomalis, with their one biological parent being the planet itself.


Sun Worship

Cultural Taboos

The Gronks have a strict set of rules that they follow, involving food/consumed substances as well as physical contact. Gronks are not allowed to touch [one another? or is it just] humans under normal circumstances.

Having carrots for dinner is taboo in Gronk culture.